Die Casting Blog for Cast-Parts Aluminum Die Cast Parts and Zinc Die Cast Parts manufacturing and cast parts production

March 1, 2009

Aluminum’s journey from the Paleolithic to the Modern world

Filed under: Aluminum Casting Parts,Cast Parts,Die Casting Company — Tags: — admin @ 1:13 am

Aluminum’s journey from the Paleolithic to the Modern world

The history of the world is closely related to man’s use of metal tools. From the Paleolithic Era which is the first recorded use of stone tools, on to the Neolithic or New Stone Age with the improvement of these tools, and the end of this era being a revolution in tool use with metal tools becoming widespread. The next step for the revolution of tool use was the Copper Age, then the Bronze Age, then the Iron Age. These were the first metals.

Aluminum wasn’t widely used by man till the 19th century with scientific breakthroughs facilitating its rise towards being the most widely used metal today. Without aluminum, airplanes and automobiles would be costly and impractical to develop. The aerospace industry wouldn’t have its shuttles. Even such simple things as aluminum foil, aluminum cans, and modern food packaging need the metal.

Aluminum cast parts are in such modern objects as the computer you are using, the mobile phone you bring with you, the kitchen utensil you used for lunch today, and a lot more of our regular daily objects. The aluminum castings process developed by the science of metallurgy involves the heating of the metal and the pouring of the molten material into a pre-designed mold. This is how aluminum part castings are made. The process is repeated a hundredfold to make the parts needed to supply the world with this miracle metal.

Many years ago, aluminum was not that widely used. Extraction of the metal was difficult and costly. It was already regarded as a useful metal, but it was too expensive. Nowadays, thanks to a handful of scientists and engineers and pioneers, aluminum is here to stay.

Cast Parts Die Casting Company
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North Hollywood, CA. 91605
818-982-9386 Phone * Sales@Cast-Parts.com.

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